Saturday, May 7, 2016

On Productivity (or Lack Thereof)

Our chief resident is amazing. She knows everything; despite never appearing to study. She has a long list of publications and conference presentations; without any grumbles about dreary data entry or proposal writing. She's a wonderful person and physician, loved by patients, staff, and colleagues. Oh and lest we forget, she planned a wedding this year and spends her free time being a sponsored triathlete.

She's not alone; residency is filled with tons of highly accomplished people...which makes it all the more apparent that recently I've been floundering on all fronts. I haven't opened a book in a couple weeks (other than Courtney Robertson's :S), I've been procrastinating from research for even longer, and I haven't exercised since...I don't even know when.

I know we shouldn't play the comparison game, but it's hard not to, especially in a program with just one or two residents per year, whom you're sometimes (none-too-subtly) measured up against. Fortunately it's a collegial environment -- and I think that because of that it really benefits us to have superstar residents around. Although there's no denying their talent, I think the main thing that sets these residents apart is their productivity. It's highly motivating to see all that they're able to accomplish in a day.

So here's what I'm going to do. I have four weeks before I switch rotations and want to make them count. I'm going to spend the next week being OCD about optimizing my time. I'll make to-do lists, try to be productive in the mornings and evenings, and do my best at work (be useful to my preceptor, kind, assertive, no complaining... -- for a complete list of things I've realized I should/should not be doing, see Nice Girls Don't Get the Corner Office*).

To keep on track, I'll write a short post at the end of each day for the next week to report on what I've done (or maybe not done). Not ideally how I'd like to use my blog, but probably the only way I'll hold myself accountable, so thanks in advance for bearing with me :)
(*not that I agree with all of Lois Frankel's advice, but she does make some good points) 


  1. I feel ya. I'm kinda worried that I'm going to flounder too--I really need to start studying and being productive again! Good luck this week on organizing everything (that's how I always start too!).

  2. Ugg, I am with you on this too! Let's all get back into routine and productivity this month!


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