

Welcome to Winding Spiral Case and thank you for stopping by! I'm a recent graduate who packed up and migrated one province eastward to start medical residency in Alberta, Canada. I love writing and started this blog to share recipes, study tips, and ramblings on medical education and life as a resident.
Vancouver Island -- home
When I applied for medical school I'd never met a medical student or interacted with any physician other than my family doctor. Beyond what I'd gleaned from watching Grey's Anatomy, I had little insight into the medical world and what it really entailed to be a physician. If you're thinking towards medical school and have any questions whatsoever, I would love to try to be of help. Feel free to comment, Instagram message, or email! One of the joys of blogging is hearing from readers :)

"Winding Spiral Case" is a lyric from the song "Hannah" by Freelance Whales, one of my favourite bands. The lyrics go "Hannah takes the stairs / cause she can't tell that / it's a winding spiral case / is she right-side-up / or upside-down". The song is based on "Hannah Takes the Stairs", an indie film about a recent college graduate attempting to find a direction for her life. I think it's entirely appropriate as my blog title.

Instagram: @windingspiralcase


  1. I love your blog and the way you write, you inspire me to start writing my own blog. I found your study tips really helpful especially since I seem to have no motivation to study at all. :(

    1. Yes! You totally should. I'd love to follow. Thanks a lot for the kind comment! And don't worry, it's hard for anyone to get motivated to study (myself included). All the best :)

  2. Hey! I'm an IMG trying to apply for Family Medicine residency program. I know they're stricter on IMGs than CMGs. My question is: how important is volunteering? Did you have a lot of volunteer work? Thanks for your blog :)

    1. Hi Elle! Awesome to hear you're applying to family med! I don't think volunteering is as important for residency applications as it is for med school applications; that being said, residency programs will want to see that you're involved in your medical school (clubs, class council, etc) and/or extracurriculars that interest you -- so try to involve yourself in a couple things to make your application stand out :) Good luck!

  3. I think your blog is one of the BEST out there. You have put in so much effort and one can say by the way you write.
    I am in residency now, I wish I found it more earlier.
    Truly appreciate all your advises, helpful hints, tips and all that you have written. It is very detailed, relatable and guides the reader well.

    I am hoping you will continue to write and enlighten us about your residency training and final years and even beyond for your fellowsship.
    All the VERY best of luck.
    - fellow resident Orthopod.

  4. I enjoy reading your posts! It's nice to come across a fellow Canadian with a medical blog :)
