
Monday, November 2, 2015

Weekend Review: Halloween, A Wedding, & All the Food

I broke out my puffy jacket today to walk to work in our first snow (or rather, flurries...that fortunately didn't stick). It turned out to only be around 0 °C so I was a little over-insulated (I realized this as I passed someone in a t-shirt and another person in shorts...Edmontonians are hardy folk). Anyhow, it's been an eventful enough week that I missed posting this on the weekend. Part of it was self-brought-on by procrastinating (as usual) on putting together my noon rounds presentation for today, but in general these have been some busy weeks! Here are some things I've appreciated in the past seven days:
  1. daylight savings -- Who doesn't appreciate an extra hour of sleep? That being said, the sun now sets before 5 pm...and I work in a I will essentially never see daylight again. Fortunately the basement can be pretty festive:
  2. decor -- One of the radiation treatment units went all out with the Halloween decor on Friday, which I thought was awesome!
    halloween linac
    plus they had Timbits
  3. Halloween costume -- I dressed up for the first time in a decade, as a s'more (most people got it...but it really wasn't the best costume and I was mistaken for an x-ray machine (?) and a grilled cheese).
    s'more costume
    driving proved troublesome
  4. wedding -- On the weekend I had the privilege of attending a friend's very lovely wedding. It was the first wedding I'd ever been to and was a great time!
    lake house calgary
    the beautiful Lake House in Calgary
  5. library -- I'm a library nerd and love checking out libraries in new places. The Fish Creek branch in Calgary is probably the most impressive public library I've ever been too -- three stories, artwork, giant chess board, childrens' play area, people-shaped chairs, interesting had it all.
    fish creek library calgary
    Not a bad place for some last-minute Powerpointing. Noon rounds will be the bane of my residency existence.
  6. food -- This week has been filled with delicious not-so-healthy food -- froyo, gelato, poutine, nachos, yam fries...
    gelato leva
    Leva's pulled their gelatos for the cold months...but not to worry, they still have chocolate and vanilla on hand in the back :)
    billiard club edmonton
    drinks and appetizers at The Billiard Club

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