
Friday, October 30, 2015

Hand Weaving

Project Live It aspires to encourage people to try new and interesting things and to help others to do the same. I'll be posting what I've been inspired to try/learn/see/do each Friday.

This week I was lucky to have the opportunity to try SAORI, a hand weaving technique that emphasizes free expression over precision.

I'd always thought weaving to be tremendously complex (and I'm sure it can be), but was assured that anyone can do it. I still had my doubts as I sat down in front of the complicated appearing array of strings on the SAORI loom.
saori loom
I can't take credit for this -- just did a few lines :)
But as I was shown how to pass the shuttle beneath the strings, pull the beater towards myself, and push the treadle (foot pedal), I realized that I could do it, after all. And with just a few throws, I fell into the rhythm, and saw why SAORI weaving is touted as both therapy and art. I was told that in hand weaving there are no right or wrongs; it's the irregularities that lend beauty and character to each tapestry...and as such the process might be considered a metaphor for life.

1 comment:

  1. That definitely does look complex, but it looks like it'd actually be a really awesome destressing activity too! :]!
