
Friday, May 29, 2015

Weekend Review: Nathan For You, Tutoring, ...& Studying

medical school blog
It's been a busy week (hence the lack of posts, sorry)! My family practice schedule arrived in my inbox today -- a reminder that my vacation is drawing to a close :( The past four weeks have been just perfect though and just what I needed at the (almost) end of first year. I'm sure glad I saved my vacation block until this late in the year, instead of taking it last August as had originally been scheduled (had to keep that light at the end of the tunnel!).

My past week has consisted of: continuing to study a bit every day for Step 1, catching up with a couple more friends, tutoring plenty, trying the Tim Hortons nutella bagel (sadly not as magical as you'd think), walking, running errands, and procrastinating with Nathan For You...which brings me to things that have been awesome in the past few days:
  1. Nathan For You -- If you, like me until two days ago, haven't heard of Nathan Fielder, you need to grab a snack and YouTube him -- or his Comedy Central TV show, Nathan For You. Nathan uses his business background to come up with wacky ideas to help out struggling businesses. More often than not I think they're pretty brilliant and actually do sort of work...for a while, anyways. Regardless, Nathan is hilarious (sort of along the same vein as Aubrey Plaza) and I'm adding Nathan For You to the list of TV shows I'll have to binge watch next weekend, post-exam! Also, he's Canadian and studied at UVic (represent)!
    nathan for you
  2. free food -- On weekdays I tutor/study at the school where my dad works, one perk being that he brings me snacks most days. Today the school had a BBQ so he brought me a big plate of tasty salads, a burger, and desserts:
    burger salads
    lucky me :)
    first aid neuroanatomy
  3. tutoring -- I've really been enjoying tutoring these past few weeks! I unexpectedly got to work with seven students, who were all so nice! It was sad saying goodbye to them today, particularly the ones whom I've worked with over the years.
    godiva milk chocolate 31%
    was surprised to get a couple of thank you cards -- such sweet kids :)
  4. brontosaurus tree -- Spotted on a neighbourhood walk:
    dinosaur tree
  5. hot chocolate -- I haven't had hot chocolate around for years, but since my parents have it in the house, I've been enjoying a mug every evening. I'll be going into hot chocolate withdrawal next week! Will have to hunt some down :)
    hot chocolate
All right, back to the books...
first aid step 1 usmle notes
Getting there... biochem and I will have the briefest of encounters.


  1. Ah, free food is wonderful! <3 And I love that dinosaur tree, hehehe. :D I haven't heard of Nathan For You, but will definitely have to check that out! :]

    Best of luck to you on the studying! I'm right there with ya!

    1. Haha it looks like you've been scoring on the free food front as well :P And thanks so much -- you're too sweet :)
