
Sunday, May 31, 2015

So Long, Vacation -- Back to Edmonton

After a great four weeks away I'm back in Edmonton, ready to (or so I'm trying to convince myself) start my family practice rotation tomorrow. In the interest of passing my exam on Friday, I won't be posting for the next four days, but will be sure to get back to it next weekend!

I'll just post some scenes from my flight, before I go bury myself in practice questions. The plane ride was smooth and sunny, and after a short ninety minutes I was back in Alberta (getting home from the airport was another story, featuring a broken bus, that consumed just as much time as the flight...).
sidney aerial bc view
leaving Sidney (can you spot the pier?)
sidney spit bc
Sidney spit & Mt Baker (i.e. that faint white thing on the horizon at the far right)
westjet yyj yvr
Vancouver, hazy
yyj yeg
Rockies, cloudy
westjet yeg
and back on the prairies

Have a great week!

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