
Friday, February 13, 2015

Weekend Review: Rad Onc Jobs!!, Potluck, & Lettuce-Wearing Manatee

This week has been an odd one, as although I only worked on Monday and Tuesday nights, all of the free time I had didn't really translate into much productivity -- most of it having been spent sleeping in and watching far too much TV. That being said, it's certainly been a nice and relaxing week...and I know I'll make up for it with lots of shifts in the days to come. Here are some things in particular I've enjoyed over the past seven days:

  1. job postings -- The best thing that happened this week was the appearance of 5 new FTE radiation oncology job postings on the CARO website. It's widely known that Canada has next to no jobs in radiation oncology right now, so this is very encouraging to see...and hopefully means that the tides are beginning to turn (though I don't have enough faith to pack in the USMLE studying quite yet!)
    rad onc jobs canada
  2. chocolate -- A very thoughtful RN on our internal medicine ward brought in some incredible salted caramel filled homemade chocolates on Friday. So very kind of her!
    salted caramel chocolate heart
  3. potluck -- On Sunday I joined some friends to celebrate a birthday. We had a great potluck, with not one but two birthday cakes, and it was nice to catch up with everyone!
    teriyaki chicken I baked for the potluck
  4. manatee -- My sister sent me this cute picture of what I hope is just a playful manatee:
    lettuce manatee
  5. street parking -- This week I've been lucky enough to find convenient street parking spots at the hospital. I'm always grateful for a close parking spot (that I don't have to pay for)!
  6. warm -- Finally, the weather is back in the positive degrees, which I think is always something to be thankful for.
What was great in your week?

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