
Friday, January 2, 2015

Weekend Review: KonMari Tidying, Stroszek, & Turkey Leftovers

It's been so great to be home for the past week, doing absolutely nothing study- or work-related. I've appreciated so many little things this week I don't even know where to start with this post! From the gorgeous sunny weather to all of the home cooking and baking to spending time with my family, I've enjoyed every part of the break. Here's a smattering of great things:

  1. tidying -- I know it's crazy that this is at the top of the list, but doing some tidying (or rather purging, à la KonMari Method) this week has actually been pretty satisfying. Although we can't get through my parents' hallway without tripping over boxes and bags of clothes, binders, and VHS tapes to be donated or recycled, their crawlspace is looking a lot neater. I also unearthed a few fun memories in the process, such as VHS tapes of everything Friends-related (plue The O.C.):
    friends vhs
    Can you believe Friends ended over a decade ago? 2004!
  2. neighbourhood walks -- My mom and I have enjoyed a nice sunny spring-like walk each day this past week.
    sidney dean park
    view of Sidney and the Gulf Islands
  3. skiing -- I had such a fun day skiing up at Mt. Washington with my family this week!
  4. baking -- My mother's been baking all kinds of treats these holidays. There's no shortage of snacks in the house :)
    coconut macaroons
    coconut macaroons
  5. cheese & chocolate -- Dutch cumin-spiced gouda and chocolate have been my other staple snacks over the week!
    gouda wasa
    cumin-spiced gouda
    brandy beans
    hot chocolate, with a side of chocolate
  6. canned garden peaches -- In the winter I really appreciate my dad's canned peaches from the backyard fruit tree (especially so when I wasn't around during the summer to eat any!).
    canned peaches
    a taste of summer
  7. great blue heron -- Amongst the local birds, hummingbirds, Steller's jays, and bald eagles have taken up residence in the neighbourhood, but only a couple of times have I seen a great blue heron pay a visit -- this week being one of them.
  8. Stroszek -- I watched this 1977 Werner Herzog German film with my dad this week. It's the subtitled story of a recently released inmate, a prostitute, and an elderly man who relocate from Germany to small-town Wisconsin. Filmed mainly with non-actor residents of the town, it's an odd and entertaining story, full of quirky Americana (dancing chickens and the like).
  9. turkey leftovers -- We've enjoyed turkey leftovers in a myriad of forms this week, from stew to sandwiches.
    turkey stew
    turkey stew
    turkey cranberry sandwich
    cranberry turkey sandwich
    turkey leftover bowl
    turkey leftover jumble bowl with bacon broccoli salad
What did you enjoy this week?

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