
Thursday, January 1, 2015

2015 New Year's Resolutions

2015 new year's resolutions
Happy new year! Normally I'm not one to make new year's resolutions, but seeing everyone else doing it has inspired me to define some goals that I'd like to work on. Here goes:
  1. study -- Spend an hour studying every day...preferably the USMLE QBank before it expires in mid February!
  2. USMLEs -- Write the USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 CK within the next year.
  3. eat well -- Eat more vegetables and fruit. Take time to prepare healthy meals. No more chocolate chip cookie dough oats for dinner :(
  4. physical activity -- Even if it's just walking to work, do one thing that's physically active everyday. Watch TV shows on the elliptical rather than on the couch.
  5. read -- Continue to read books for fun. Don't go a day without reading, even if it's just for ten minutes.
  6. sleep early & wake up early -- Even on weekends!
  7. be friendly & kind -- Make new friends and do a better job of keeping in touch with old ones.
  8. practice guitar & Mandarin -- Once a week, at least. Put some effort into making some progress here.
I know these are pretty generic resolutions -- but hopefully ones that I'll actually follow through on!
Have you made any new year's resolutions?

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