
Friday, November 14, 2014

Weekend Review: Won Jung Gak, Light the Bridge, & Coconut Milk Oatmeal

I've just finished my fifth off-service rotation and have the weekend off before starting my next one on Monday! It's been a rather chilly week (with a low of -20.4 degrees yesterday) and I've been thankful that the outdoor portion of my walking commute lasts no longer than five minutes. In spite of the cold, I have appreciated the beauty of the white-frosted skeletal trees (through the hospital window) and the way that the white snow has made my night-time walks a little brighter (and a lot more sparkly). ...We'll see how long it takes before novelty becomes frustration (probably the next time I have to drive somewhere). Besides the snow, here are some things I've enjoyed in the past week:

  1. holiday lights -- This week the hospital put up lights in approximately twenty trees outside the entrance. They looked so nice this morning that I endured a whole 10 seconds extra in the cold to snap a picture.
    just a fraction of the light display
  2. Won Jung Gak -- Last weekend I joined friends to celebrate a birthday at this Korean restaurant. I tried bi bim bap for the first time, a tasty mixture of rice, vegetables, egg, and meat, served in a hot stone bowl. It was nice to enjoy good food and wonderful company!
    bi bim bap & seaweed soup
  3. "Light the Bridge" -- Edmonton's lovely old steel High Level Bridge was recently outfitted with 60,000 LED bulbs. They are switched on nightly, in colours corresponding to current happenings (e.g. blue and orange for Oilers home games). For the Canadian Finals Rodeo the bridge was a psychedelic tunnel of flashing red, purple, and white -- it made for a very cool driving experience!
  4. coconut milk oatmeal -- I mixed coconut milk into my oatmeal this week, which was a nice treat!
    treat yo self
  5. books & cookies -- There's nothing better than a weekend spent reading and nibbling freshly baked cookies.
    chocolate chip oatmeal cookies and (I'm embarrassed to admit) Shopaholic
  6. more cookies -- Our kind ward manager brought in a perfect batch of gingersnaps today :)

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