
Friday, October 17, 2014

Weekend Review: Pumpkin Pie, A Bird's Nest, and Cheesecake Oats

I'm at the end of my last week of general internal least until January :) I'm on call today and Sunday, so I'll officially be done around 9:30 am on Monday. I'm supposed to start my next rotation on Monday, but since I get it off as a post-call day I'll start the next one on Tuesday! Here's a handful of things I enjoyed this past week:

  1. Thanksgiving long weekend -- I was lucky to get the whole three days off! I didn't have turkey, but did have some yummy pumpkin pie.
    pumpkin pie!
  2. clean apartment -- I can't believe how messy I let my house get these past few weeks. I spent Sunday doing a big cleanup and it's so nice to have it a little more tidy :)
  3. walk -- After Mandarin class on Saturday I took a walk around the university campus. It was a perfect sunny day with occasional gusts that sent colourful leaves flying all about.
    blowin' in the wind
    like flames!
  4. nest sculpture -- There's a giant steel bird's nest sculpture on top of one of the buildings at the hospital. Only from above can you appreciate that it contains a clutch of eggs. The other day when I walked by I noticed a new addition -- a big black bird, just chillin'.
    this guy found a prefab nest
  5. cheesecake oats -- Because I don't have bagels I've had to find other ways to consume the cream cheese in my fridge. I've been adding a spoonful to my peanut butter cookie dough oats -- and it's been dangerously good!
    extra breakfast fuel
  6. Sims parody -- If you've played The Sims chances are you've at some point gotten bored and removed the ladder from the swimming pool or sold the fridge. I know my ten-year-old self did a few social experiments -- and this little parody portrays them pretty accurately.

What's been great in your week?

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