
Friday, September 26, 2014

Weekend Review: Swirling Leaves, Pineapple, & Piano Music

I haven't posted much this week, as this new rotation is proving to be the most exhausting one yet. My routine has been distilled down to work-get home-eat-get into bed. Hopefully I'll be able to settle into a more balanced routine and start feeling more energetic.

In spite of its business, this week's been a good one. Here are some things I've appreciated over the past seven days (and given how ravenous I am these days, it's no surprise that three of them are food).

  1. swirling leaves -- Fall is in full swing and the river valley trees are at their finest. Though it's dark when I drive to work in the mornings, the drive home is brightened up by the fall colours. Last Sunday was a bit windy and the air was full of swirling leaves.
    watching leaves swirl by the windows (you can't tell from the photo!)
  2. mint chocolate chip cookies -- I found these chewy Chips Ahoy Ice Cream Creations Mint Chocolate Chip cookies on sale last weekend and decided to try them...pretty good!
  3. tea -- I love the orderliness of a new box of tea!
  4. pineapple -- It always feels like a treat to have fresh pineapple in a northern climate. I found one last weekend for just $2. It was sweet and delicious!
  5. piano music -- A couple of piano players livened up the lonely hospital hallways yesterday evening. It was beautiful to hear My Heart Will Go On and Fur Elise echoing through the atrium.
  6. an early afternoon -- It was so nice to have one quiet afternoon last week, where we got to leave at 3:45 pm. We'd been running around nonstop for nearly ten hours and I was ready to go home!
  7. Halloween candy -- Thanks to the kind soul who brought it into work to share!

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