
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Recipe: Eggplant Burgers

While grocery shopping on Saturday I ran across eggplants on sale for $0.88 each. They were plump and cute -- and I ended up buying two. I decided to make eggplant patties/burgers with the first eggplant, coming up with this simple recipe that turned out pretty tasty!
eggplant burgers recipe
  • 1 eggplant (cubed)
  • 5 cloves of garlic (finely chopped)
  • 1/2 medium onion (finely chopped)
  • 0.5 cup oats
  • 0.5 cup cheddar cheese (cubed)
  • black pepper
I started by chopping the eggplant into cubes and microwaving it in a glass dish for 6 minutes (stirring halfway) to soften it. What I forgot to do next was mash it -- do this!
eggplant burgers recipe
eggplant burgers recipe
In a deep frying pan (a saucepan would also do) over low-medium heat, I fried the garlic and onion for a few minutes in a bit of olive oil.
eggplant burgers recipe
I stirred in the eggplant and cooked it for a while to soften it (which wouldn't have been necessary had I remembered to mash it!). I then stirred in the oats, cheese, and black pepper.
eggplant burgers recipe
eggplant burgers recipe
I formed the eggplant mixture into eight burgers and pan-fried four while grilling the other four on the George Foreman. It turned out that pan-frying was quicker; grilling took 20 minutes due to the high water content of the eggplant. I might add an egg next time to help hold the patties together better.
eggplant burgers recipe
eggplant burgers recipe
eggplant burgers recipe
For dinner, I enjoyed two of the eggplant burgers with leftover baked potato wedges and broccoli. I liked that I could really taste the eggplant and enjoyed the satisfying crispy-outside soft-inside texture. I'm sure they'd also taste great on a bun as not-your-typical veggie burger. I'll definitely be making them again!
eggplant burgers recipe

What's your favourite way to cook eggplant?

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