
Saturday, August 23, 2014

Weekend Review: Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk Cookies ...'nuff said

This week we traded 30-degree weather for temperatures in the mid-teens, but alas it's still sunny! Here are a few things that I've liked this past week.

  1. President's Choice The Decadent Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk Cookies -- As a PB enthusiast these have replaced Christie's Triple Chocolate Chunks Ahoy as my favourite store-bought cookie.
    President's Choice decadent peanut butter chocolate chunk cookies
  2. Speeding up Apple Mail -- It converted from very sluggish to instantly responsive with a Terminal command I found on Am I ever thankful for such a simple fix.
    apple mail slow to respond sluggish hack
  3. Potluck -- I enjoyed a potluck with friends on Sunday, for which I made broccoli salad. Good food and good company!
  4. Cocoa butter Vaseline lotion -- I was skeptical about smelling like a chocolate bar with this lotion, but it turned out to be the best smelling skin lotion I've ever encountered.
    cocoa butter radiant vaseline
  5. Scanning Code of Practice -- I got a roasting pot for free because it scanned in at the wrong price at the till. Can't wait to roast some potato wedges.
    scanning code of practice superstore roasting pot
  6. Salad bowl and $0.44 tumblers -- While I don't like correlating happiness to material possessions, I'm happy to have found a salad bowl that matches my salad utensils and more of these great tumblers on end-of-summer clearance.
    salad bowl superstore tumbler cup smoothie
  7. ...aand return of the snowshoe hare (better photo this time!).
    edmonton alberta snowshoe hare

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