
Saturday, August 23, 2014

Recipe: Protein Bars

vanilla quest DIY protein bar recipeI'll admit that I've never bought a protein bar...or any other kind of health food bar. Clif, Quest, Luna, Lara, Kind -- I haven't been able to bring myself to shill out the money. I do eat my share of protein bars; however they are all ones that I mix up myself. I packed along eight of these when I travelled around for CaRMS interviews and was happy that they held up well unrefrigerated.

Protein Bar
Makes one bar.
  • 1 tbsp (15 g) peanut butter
  • 1 scoop (44 g) Six Star whey protein powder (30 g protein!)
  • 2 tbsp oats (ground with spice-grinder or blender into flour)
  • 1.5 tbsp water (adjust as appropriate)
Stir together the ingredients in a bowl. Scoop the lump of dough out onto plastic wrap and mould it into bar form. Refrigerate it to further solidify.

Using Adam's peanut butter (100 Cal per tbsp): 315 Cal, 20 g carb, 11 g fat, 35 g protein, 2 g fibre, 3 g sugar
chocolate quest DIY protein bar recipe
cookies and cream quest DIY protein bar recipe
cookies & cream 
strawberry quest DIY protein bar recipe
Sometimes I cut the bars up into bite-sized pieces.
vanilla quest DIY protein bar recipe
chocolate quest DIY protein bar recipe bites
I've also made Chocolate-Vanilla Swirl Protein Bites by preparing two batches of the above dough, one batch with chocolate protein powder and the other with vanilla protein powder, taking a bit of each kind of dough, and rolling it into balls. This made 12 balls.
Per 1/12th: 53 Cal, 5.8 g protein
vanilla chocolate switl quest DIY protein balls recipe
vanilla chocolate switl quest DIY protein balls recipe
I'm not sure how well these resemble commercial protein bars; the whey protein taste is prominent (as expected) and the texture is a bit gummy, but overall I think they taste all right!
Do you buy protein powder? If so, what is your favourite way to use it?

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