
Sunday, June 3, 2018

NYC, A Glimpse

I spent last week in NYC, catching a glimpse into what life could be if I were so lucky as to be offered my dream fellowship at a cancer centre on the Upper East Side. I loved every minute of the week and as much as I would give anything to come back for a year, I knew that it was a long shot, so just tried to savour the experience.

I sort of felt like I was living someone else's life for a week. From the slightly sketchy but so cool tiny walk-up apartment I shared with an artist to daily hellos from the old man running the fruit stand on the street corner to evening walks amongst what must have been all the UES dogs in Central Park, I was kind of doing life in the city.

And not just the tourist parts. Hurrying down dingy steps into the sunshine each morning to be swept into the crowd of scrub-attired hospital workers, being midway across the street before the walk sign came on, and strolling home at the end of a long day with a box of pizza for dinner, I think I got a feel for what it could be like to work here.

Interspersed were how-did-I-even-get-here moments: The physician who wrote the book guiding my hand in placing a brachytherapy needle. Watching the carotid pulse beneath a head and neck intraoperative brachytherapy applicator. Getting to know some of the kindest, most down-to-earth residents, degrees and accolades notwithstanding.

I spent whatever free time I had riding subways and walking and just seeing as much of New York as I could. The city is so exhilarating; I walked around the neighbourhood and Central Park the night I arrived in an attempt to get it out of my system and seem less wide-eyed when I started my observership the next morning, but really there was no quelling the excitement.

This week I can honestly say was one of the most inspiring experiences I've ever had. Even if it doesn't amount to a fellowship, I'm just so grateful to have been able to go, meet wonderful people, gain some perspective, and clarify for myself what I want in my career.

Here's all what I saw:
9/11 Memorial. The waterfalls drown out the city noise; it's remarkably peaceful.
One World Trade Centre, the second-tallest freestanding structure in the Western Hemisphere (behind the CN Tower)
The Oculus, a train station
the one tree that survived 9/11, rehabilitated and returned to the site to represent resilience, survival, and rebirth
Wall Street's Charging Bull = impossible to photograph
Fearless Girl
Wall Street
New York Stock Exchange
so classic
Manhattan views
Washington Square Park. Summer vibes.
the Friends apartment building in Greenwich Village
West Village
Momofuku Milk Bar crack pie. Akin to a giant butter tart.
The High Line, a 2.3-km-long elevated rail line repurposed into a park
I really loved it, especially the areas where they'd incorporated the old rails into the landscaping
Chelsea views
lots of great chill spots
man-made canyons
Hudson River views at the north end
14th St-Union Square area. Visited Nordstrom Rack and the Union Square Greenmarket.
Flatiron District, very cool
I've always loved this building and was so excited to see it for the first time
bucket list right there (and dream office)
lovely Central Park
Sheep Meadow. I actually thought just maybe there'd be sheep. Not since 1934, sadly.
The Lake
The Ramble. Such a quiet spot in the middle of the city.
Pizza Park. To be folded lengthwise.
home sweet home
The Met
The American Wing, feat. this Diana weathervane that stood atop Madison Square Garden in the late 1800s
this was so pretty
more than an art gallery
Monet et al.
the world's oldest piano (1720) -- rather "pianoforte" because the sound is generated by a hammer striking
a string rather than plucking as in a harpsichord, permitting the performer to vary the volume of the note
(the more you know)
Met roof -- do it
and finally, Chipotle for the first time, on the way to the airport


  1. wow..... if you do get the fellowship in NYC - it's food mecca.... not talking about chipotle. haha. But all those cute restaurants and cafe!

  2. NYC is such an awesome place to explore (and filled with so many good eats)! I'm glad you got to explore! :] Fingers crossed for you on that fellowship!
