
Sunday, January 14, 2018

Sweet Potato and Kale Peanut Soup

This was my first week back from vacation and I spent like 100 hours at work and all my free time studying, so suffice it to say I have nothing interesting to share. I did start the month with some goals though, so hopefully I'll find some focus in the weeks to come and get some things checked off.
it's always the same things...
A perpetual goal is to become a better cook, so I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone by picking a new recipe to meal prep today. I'd been thinking about this sweet potato and kale peanut soup from Pinch of Yum after seeing Robyn make it earlier this week. I also just happened to have a sweet potato sitting on the counter and kale, peanuts, and coconut milk were on sale at Save On Foods; so clearly this was meant to happen.
Feel free to click over to Lindsay's site for the recipe, adapted for stove-top, slow-cooker, or Instant Pot. I did make a few changes, based on what I had on hand: adding Sriracha for spice instead of a jalapeƱo; just using one large sweet potato; using regular canned tomatoes rather than fire-roasted ones; and throwing in an entire bunch of kale.
The recipe was easy to follow and didn't take long to cook, Instant Pot notwithstanding.
the main effort was prepping the ingredients
midway through chopping peanuts I remembered I have a (very under-utilized) food processor :S
turns out this is what happens to expired coconut milk (it tasted fine so I totally used it)
heavy on the kale -- but it cooked down a LOT
I thought the final product looked really nice, with a healthy mix of green, red, and orange.
Taste-wise it was pleasantly unique. It was a tad acidic, probably because I used a 28-oz rather than 14-oz can of tomatoes, but I added a little sugar which helped. The peanut flavour was smooth and rich, but not overly strong. Texture-wise, it wasn't as heavy and creamy as I'd expected; rather a nice light consistency. Overall I wouldn't say it's my favourite flavour combination, but it's an excellent soup and I'd probably make it again.


  1. I'm all about the soups lately (darn this weather!)--this sounds like an awesome way to switch stuff up! I think the only way I've been okay with kale is in soup form, hehehe.

  2. I always set goals too, and I try to check them off my list, but I am not always successful :/ This soup looks ah-mazing!
