
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Life This Week: Holiday Parties, Seoul Fried Chicken, & Samosa Day

This week is my last of a 3-month rotation on head & neck, skin, and thyroid cancers. I'm actually really enjoying head & neck; it's complex, but logical, and you get to do nasopharyngoscopy (scoping through the nose to see down to the vocal cords). Nasopharyngsocopy and I have gone through a bit of an arc. I've gone from being relieved when a patient didn't need it to now looking forward to it, which to me was a good reminder to not mix up things I'm uncomfortable with with things I don't like (peds onc I think gets largely misclassified). Anyhow, here are some things I've appreciated lately, apparently mostly food:

samosas -- I've written before about the wonder that is Samosa Day, the day each December that one of the radiation oncologists brings in samosas for all the staff at the cancer centre. Literally hundreds of samosas. It's the happiest day of the year.
scavenged a leftover one on call last night (samosa day + 3) and it was still the best thing ever

food + friends -- I had a nice time catching up with old and new friends over dinner, bubble tea, and brunch this weekend. One of them I've known since the first month of undergrad (10 years ago ohmygosh) and I'm glad we get to catch up once a year or so, despite living in different provinces.
Seoul Fried Chicken -- cheese & BBQ chicken, pesto mac & cheese, fries, & a corn fritter
earl grey milk tea with three kinds of jelly (though the tapioca pearls are still the best IMHO) at Gong Cha
brunching at Urban Diner

gift shop discoveries -- I wandered into the greatest gift shop on the weekend, with two storeys of beautiful and unique stuff. They had some simple jewelry by Glee Jewelry, which I later realized is based out of my hometown of Victoria, BC, so that was cool. I ended up getting a rose gold ring. It's fun to stumble upon stuff when you're not looking; I'll be sure to return when I'm actually in need of a gift (well, one that's not for myself).
awkward hand modelling

Christmas parties -- I didn't take any photos, but good times were had at the Medical Physics Christmas party (a huge potluck and the best party in the cancer centre -- thanks for having us!) and our Radiation Oncology Christmas party at Craft Beer Market.

Alright, back to work...3 weeks to go til vacation!
snack study life

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