
Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Life This Week: Toronto, Wellness, & Art

Happy November! It's pretty wintery already in Edmonton, with some snow on the ground and the sidewalks getting dicey. The hospital has its Christmas lights up, which I side-eyed last week but fully appreciated walking home today post time-change. Residency is going alright; much the usual these days. Here are a few things I've appreciated lately:

change of scene -- I spent the weekend in Toronto for a committee meeting of our national residents' organization. It was an interesting time, from hanging out at the funky Alt Hotel to meeting residents from BC to Newfoundland. Lots of good discussion on accreditation and CBME, amongst other things pertaining to residency training. And a brief reprieve from the cold!
a little plane note-making (actually the best place to study -- no distractions)
good food
friendly towels

The Greenhouse Salad -- Enjoyed impromptu dinner with my co-resident.
the "You Jerk", always

contemporary art -- One of the physicians I work with owns an art gallery, and I went with friends last week to the opening of his new show, Disclosures. I know nothing about art, but found the pieces fascinating -- simple at first glance, but evoking all kinds of thought and emotion when stared at for longer. It was a really great night. We ended up staying an hour past closing, chatting about art and life with artsy people. It's sometimes so refreshing to talk to strangers about random things!
part of Shan Kelley's exhibit

RWC YEG 2017.11.01 -- I got to facilitate "life hacks" sessions at a resident wellness conference on Wednesday (which I must say I felt in no way qualified to do). Anyhow, the takeaway was that residency is a struggle for everyone and there's a lot that we can learn from one another about how to make the most of our days.

company -- And finally, my co-resident is back from mat leave! Everyone is especially happy. It's just so nice to have more people around!

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