
Sunday, July 23, 2017

Life This Week: Freewill Shakespeare Festival & Village of India

This week just flew by, with the days filled by everything from getting my fridge fixed to baking to call. Here are some highlights:

Shakespeare in the park -- A friend and I went to watch The Merry Wives of Windsor in the outdoor amphitheatre at Hawrelak Park last Sunday. It was the last day of the Freewill Shakespeare Festival and we got in for free with our student cards.
I'd never even heard of the Merry Wives of Windsor (too scandalous for the high school curriculum?) but thought the play was fabulous -- even more so because it was set in the '70s. The cast was stellar. I could never do what they do. It makes me happy that there are such enthusiastic and passionate folk in our community; they were so professional and really gave it their all. Rivalling the play was the pre-show puppet show, which was attended solely by adults.
the ambiance is half of it -- this picture captures it way better than mine (source)
Man, I regret having overlooked this festival these past few years -- l'm already looking forward to going next summer!

newspaper -- I had a chance to read the paper with coffee while waiting for my car to be maintained on Saturday morning. I so miss the coffee + paper a.m. routine (yes, I'm 80 at heart). I'd love to have a newspaper subscription, but know it wouldn't be practical right now. Some day (if papers still exist by then...).

Village of India -- Another great Groupon-inspired meal. Village of India is tucked alongside a few other Indian buffets on 34th Ave but seemed to be doing pretty well in terms of business -- as they should -- delicious curries and perfectly doughy naan!
kheer (rice pudding) and mango pudding -- our favourites
tried a bit of everything (sorry, it's really not photogenic!)

skies -- Weather and walks invariably make it into these posts each week, but so be it; it's been beautiful.

visiting -- Spent Saturday evening just hanging out and eating watermelon with friends. Three babies were in attendance -- so much cuteness.

free root beer day -- A&W declared July 22 "national free root beer day" and I happened to drive past one so got in on that. Thanks, A&W!

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