
Monday, June 12, 2017

Life This Week: Irises, Pizza, and a Picture of the Sea

This week brought some rain, but it's now summery enough that I got settled out on the balcony to write this post -- which was great until I remembered why I don't sit on the balcony (mosquitoes!). I've been pretty busy at work, so don't have much to tell. Some things I've appreciated have been:

gardens -- My dad tells me his irises on the Island are just about done, but thanks to our late growing season ours are just beginning. For whatever reason I don't see a lot of flowers in my travels, but I did spot a nice bed of irises en route to work. Also appreciating the lilacs -- so fragrant.

desk art -- I picked up a brown wooden frame at the dollar store, but once I brought it home I didn't love how it looked. Turned out it just needed a little white paint. It's not perfect, but let's call it rustic.

gratitude -- A hectic acute-care call shift left me grateful for the predictability and pace we have in oncology. I know some thrive in a fast-moving environment, but that's not me. Though I spent the whole shift frustrated, in retrospect it left me appreciative, both of the physicians who tackle front-line care and of the more controlled nature of my own specialty.
also grateful for a sprinkle doughnut from a patient's family (i.e. my day wasn't all bad)

pizza -- I made my second ever pizza, featuring whatever was in my fridge (tahini, cheese, spinach, mushrooms, and sausage).

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