
Monday, June 5, 2017

Life This Week: Banff, Succulents, and Wellspring

This week has been steadily busy, but in a good productive sort of way. And it's been so beautifully warm and sunny, with 10 pm sunsets; I'm definitely appreciating walking over driving whenever I can. Here are a few other highlights from the week:

Banff weekend -- Last weekend was our provincial residents' association board retreat in Banff. It was just the best time; we were so spoiled by the location (the beautiful Rimrock Hotel) and food. Four of the eight residents on the executive board will be continuing on next year; I won't be and will genuinely miss it, mainly the wonderful people who've become my friends over the past year. When I think back to being hesitant to run for the exec a year ago, I'm glad I did step out of my comfort zone; it's been really nice to work with such a kind and impassioned group.
the Lacombe burger at Lacombe's Burger Baron -- starting the road trip off right
the view from our conference room was alright :)
lunch at the Rimrock -- make-your-own sandwich + so many sides
Tunnel Mountain hike
Park Restaurant -- prime rib all around
they're also a distillery and have some interesting stuff, like chili vodka and juniper gin
pitstop at Cave & Basin National Historic Site -- it was even free to see the hot spring because it's Canada's 150th Birthday!

terrarium -- I got a succulent terrarium as a thank-you gift from a co-exec (she handpicked incredibly thoughtful gifts for everyone). I picked it up this afternoon from a cute little flower shop (Laurel's on Whyte) and absolutely love it.

Allard lecture -- I took the train downtown after work on Thursday to hear Dr. Simon Sutcliffe speak at the Citadel Theatre. He's an oncologist who spoke on the "science and art" of healing, in particular in the context of Wellspring, a network of support centres for folks with cancer. Dr. Sutcliffe had worked with one of his patients to realize her dream of creating the first Wellspring in an old coach house in Toronto in 1992. It was an inspiring story, particularly in seeing how Wellspring has grown since; there are now 11 centres nationwide, including a brand new one in Edmonton. It's always good to be reminded to consider how, outside of standard medical treatments, we can help each person we meet.
Edmonton's Wellspring -- open for business!

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