
Sunday, March 5, 2017

Life This Week: A Little Snow, Sabor, & Lunch Traditions in the Making

It's been another good week, though abruptly wintery. It was nice and sunny when I walked into work on Friday, but was practically blizzarding out when I left my call shift the next morning. I had no clue because I hadn't seen a window; it felt like I'd walked through the wardrobe.

On Monday I Instagrammed that it was almost spring...ha.
And then this happened; not too much snow, but windy!
At least it's pretty.

cosy -- Once I got home I spent a cosy Saturday working on the couch, watching the big flakes fall outside.

babies -- Got to visit with all three residency babies. If that doesn't make a good week, I'm not sure what does.

Sabor -- On Wednesday evening we had a lung presentation at a fancy restaurant downtown. We were spoiled by the food -- I mean, bacon-wrapped dates stuffed with goat cheese = genius.
And these desserts!

Friday lunches -- Last Friday I was talking to one of the grad students who was on his way up to the cafeteria, so I tagged along and had the best work lunch I've had in a long time (ever?). There were probably 70 people in the cafeteria and it was just so nice to sit with his lab friends and hang out over lunch. Like high school. There were even cliques -- the med oncs, the dietitians, the physicists. Also, there's natural light up there. Sure beats eating in front of my computer in the basement. We have stuff scheduled during lunch every day except Friday, so come Friday I rallied the rad onc residents to go up to the cafeteria for lunch. Next week's goal: I shall get the med onc residents to join us. (Sometimes I'm not sure I'm doing this whole Chief Resident thing right, but I'm going to say this is progress.)

meal prep -- The next few days will be busy, so I'm happy I was sufficiently motivated yesterday to prepare tupperware lunches and dinners. And do laundry, taxes, and renew my car registration. Small accomplishments.

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