
Saturday, February 11, 2017

Life This Week: Ronald McDonald House, Zen, & Donation Drive Wrap

Gosh PGY-3 is flying by! This week I spent a day in snowy Calgary for a meeting and hustled with data to meet next week's abstract deadlines. Everyone's a little stressed right now with those abstracts, myself included -- but I'm really trying to not let research be all-consuming, since it will, as a rule, expand to fill all available time if you let it. To that end, here are some other things I've appreciated in the past week:

Meals That Mend -- Last weekend I got to visit Ronald McDonald House with some coresidents to partake in their Meals That Mend program, where you choose a couple recipes, pick up the ingredients, and cook a meal for the families staying at the house. We made green salad, pasta salad, spaghetti and meatball soup, butternut squash soup, and garlic bread. It was such a fun team-building activity for the residents, and so sweet to sit down at the end of it to eat with the families. Also, we got to tour the house -- what a place!

tidy house -- I properly cleaned my apartment this week. Small joys. My favourite apartment thing at the moment is this blackboard that I finally got around to hanging up. Now I just need some chalk.

random acts of kindness -- I picked up these flowers for a coworker's desk. I always forget how easily something small can bring joy to someone's day (so posting this as a reminder!).

Coco -- I'd driven past this bubble tea place so many times and was happy for a chance to stop in with a friend after work on Friday. I had their original milk tea, with 70% sugar (you get to choose). I can't say I know a lot about bubble tea, but I did enjoy this.

sushi -- It's been a good week of eating, including a Chinese New Year potluck last weekend, Dominos on the way back from Calgary, and all-you-can-eat sushi at Zen today. Zen is fun because you can try all sorts of stuff in addition to sushi (like yam tempura, which I could eat every day).

donation drive -- Our annual resident donation drive wrapped up this week, and I got to help bring the items into a local charity on Friday. The organization gave us a really nice tour and we even made the paper!

spring? -- The weather's warmed up a bit! Upside: can hold steering wheel without getting frostbite. Downside: potential maiming by falling icicle.

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