
Sunday, February 26, 2017

Life This Week: Getting By

This will be a short one -- really not much to report this week! I spent evenings studying for a mock oral exam and a lot of the weekend at the cancer centre. The weather's chilly again, but we've had some sunny days and light pretty snow. Here are things I've appreciated this week:

meal prep -- It's been so busy I'm actually pretty happy to have managed proper dinners this week (i.e. no ramen or cereal). I made a pot of lentils, slow-cooked up some pulled pork, and bought a bag of spinach, which has made it easy to build egg scrambles, rice, or wraps when I get home late.
this lentil/spinach/cheese/egg scramble turned out really delicious
and microwave apple crisp for one (because Pi Day recipe research = dessert cravings)

job shadows -- This week was reading break for the undergrads, so as part of the University of Alberta's job shadow program I got to hang out with science students for two days. It was fun to show them around the cancer centre and explain the different parts of our job. Unfortunately we're not allowed to bring undergrads into contact with patients anymore, so I don't think I'll be volunteering to host again; but we made the most of it and I think (hope) they had a good time.

And that's it. Hopefully this coming week will bring more to write about. Work is a bit of a slog now, but I've got a break coming up soon with a weekend in Banff (2 weeks!) and a month in Japan/South Korea/Malaysia (only 3 weeks away!) -- so very excited!!

1 comment:

  1. That scramble looks amazing! <3!

    I'm with you on looking forward to a break coming up soon! I hope you have a ton of fun (and looking forward to reading about it! :P )! Hang in there!
