
Monday, January 23, 2017

Life This Week: Calgary, Red Deer, Edmonton

Residency's gotten busy and I know my blog is suffering. I hate to just post these once weekly reviews without any useful content, but at the same time I do like having them to document life. So apologies, here's a lousy one with all of two photos (all that's on my phone since returning from vacation):

Photo #1 is of a bowl of pho.

pho kim vy calgary
Specifically a ginormous bowl of pho at Pho Kim Vy in Calgary, which I shared with my sister who was passing through the province. Albeit brief, we had a really nice midweek visit!

Photo #2 is of a sunrise spotted through a stairwell window at work.
hospital window sunrise
It's actually quite lovely in Edmonton right now, with the trees coated in hoar frost. Unfortunately I haven't been outside in the daylight yet to manage a photo.

Otherwise this week has included a Saturday in Red Deer for a residents' association board retreat, Sunday call, studying for a mock oral, and the start of a new rotation (breast, GI, and skin cancers). Not particularly blogworthy, but such is life at times.

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