
Monday, November 9, 2015

Weekend Review: Pancakes, Earls, & Sombreros

The past weeks have been flying by in a blur...and I anticipate they'll keep doing so until the end of November. This morning I had to sit down to go through my emails and write down anything and everything I need to get done in my planner. I went through and assigned each big thing to the weekend before it was getting by week-to-week here, but feeling better seeing that (at least on paper) there will be enough time to get everything done. This weekend the plan was to get organized for a meeting in Calgary today, a trip to Houston tomorrow to take Step 2 CS on Wednesday, and work/physics/job shadowing on Thursday and Friday. Fortunately I don't feel overly stressed (yet); probably due to things like these (i.e. a lot of comfort food) in the past week:
  1. froyo -- My residency program could single-handedly keep our local Menchie's in business. Well not quite, but we do eat a lot of frozen yogurt. I've now tried every single flavour...which probably shouldn't feel like an accomplishment.
    always with Skor bits, cheesecake pieces, and cookie dough balls
  2. pancakes -- This morning I woke up craving pancakes . Thank goodness for this recipe, which I cooked on the George Foreman (quick and mess-free!).
    they looked ridiculous
    this is going to have to become a weekly thing
  3. catching up -- Some med school friends were in town for a conference and we had a nice evening catching up over dinner at Earls. It was fun to reminisce with my first-year family practice buddy from back in 2010, who will this year be finishing his family practice residency!
    because anonymous blogging, here's a photo of my chicken, brie, apple, and fig sandwich (it was SO good!)
  4. Canucks vs. Penguins -- I haven't been watching much hockey, but caught the Canucks vs. Penguins game this week, even if most of it was on mute during a teleconference. They're my two favourite teams so I didn't even care who won (though am a little less enthusiastic about the Canucks sans Lack and Bieksa).
    after this it went from 3-0 to 3-2
  5. sombreros -- From my USMLE studying yesterday I learned that if a patient is wearing a sombrero one should ask "Why are you wearing a sombrero?".
    the actors in our Canadian OSCE just weren't this festive
  6. Gillian Jacobs is cool -- because she was Nathan Fielder for Halloween. Nice to see comedians supporting one another. She's just missing her Summit Ice jacket :) Aaand probably none of you have any clue what I'm talking about (check out Nathan For You!).

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