
Friday, November 27, 2015

Christmas Decorating

Project Live It aspires to encourage people to try new and interesting things and to help others to do the same. I'll be posting what I've been inspired to try/learn/see/do each Friday.

I've missed these posts for the past couple of Fridays...not because I wasn't "Living It" but because I was not being a very good blogger :( I'll definitely try not to miss posting, as I really do find that this series has pushed me to do things I normally wouldn't...which is the whole point :)

This week I joined the cancer centre's Christmas decorating committee, the group in charge of putting up the Christmas decorations on one weekend at the end of November. Last year I remember coming into a festively decorated workplace one day; Christmas trees, garland, and poinsettias having magically appeared overnight. This year I learned that it's all thanks to the efforts of volunteers and decided to join when the call was put out.
cross cancer edmonton
brightening up the radiation therapy basement
With 50 or so volunteers it only took a few hours to decorate the whole centre. I enjoyed getting to meet and work with some of the volunteers and staff members whom I hadn't met, while making the place where we all spend so much time look a whole lot cheerier. Definitely a nice thing to get involved with!

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