
Monday, October 19, 2015

Weekend Review: Studying, Brunch, & Nathan For You

med student blog
Here's a slightly late list of things I've appreciated in the past week. It's been a great week, but my lack of preparation for next weekend's exam is starting to concern me...and it'd be an expensive one to screw up, so this blog may take the back burner for the next few days.

  1. study spot -- One of the most satisfying things is finding a good study spot. Comfortable chair, ample desk space, electrical outlet, good lighting, quiet...well I found one on campus this weekend that meets all requirements and is literally a two-minute walk from where I live. Yes I'm inordinately happy about this. Yes I'm a nerd.
    u of alberta law library
    because studying at home always seems like a good idea...but isn't
  2. Menchie's -- Froyo after work last week was a good call. I sampled the pumpkin and sugar cookie flavours, but stuck with chocolate and PB.
    menchies toppings
    tough choices
  3. brunch -- I joined some friends for a potluck brunch yesterday. Besides eating The Fluffiest blueberry pancakes (amongst too much other good stuff) I had a nice time catching up with everyone.
    edmonton saskatchewan drive view
    The view from my friend's apartment. Sigh...maybe some day.
  4. weather -- We've been having some gorgeous fall weather. It was 18 °C yesterday!
    edmonton fall leaves
    blue skies
  5. Nathan For You -- This Comedy Central TV show, which I'd professed my love for previously, returned this week. Simple joys in these dark (study) times :)
    nathan fielder
    the intentionally awkward Nathan Fielder

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