
Monday, October 5, 2015

Weekend Review: Gap Factory, Oatmeal Cookies, & an Old Western

Ack I'm late again with my looking-back-on-the-week post (because I fell asleep before 7 pm last night...studying in bed was clearly not the best decision). At least I'm well-rested.

Last week was a bit busy as I had to get a case report submitted. It's now in peer review, an intimidating process in which it is scrutinized by people who know far more than I do about the subject I was writing on. While I'm so appreciative that busy people are taking the time to read my report and type out honest feedback, it's tough seeing it be torn apart (but that's academia). Here are some things that I've appreciated in the past week:

  1. clothing -- Since I started reading Franish my interest in clothing has been growing. I even have a fashion Pinterest board (who am I?). I wandered around the outlet stores on Saturday and resolved to buy only things that I really liked. I ended up just getting Gap Factory 1969 skinny boyfriend pants and shorts, which fit perfectly, have decent pockets (that's important), and were a super deal. I like the faded red colour of the shorts and will be able to get away with wearing the pants to work (always the goal).
    gap 1969 skinny boyfriend
  2. meal prep -- Chilly days (-2 °C this morning) call for soup, of which I made a big pot.
    vegetable soup homemade
  3. gelato -- After-work gelato at Leva with my residency program was a fun way to end the week. My espresso gelato was wonderful.
  4. lunch at home -- I made it home twice this past week during my lunch breaks; although I didn't have much time at home, getting a little physical activity into my day was reason enough to go.
    edmonton fall leaves
    perfect walking weather
  5. cookies -- I made cookies on Friday, but brought them into work...then regretted that decision and ended up making a batch for myself on Sunday.
    oatmeal cookies
    oatmeal cookies -- much less healthy than they look :)
  6. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid -- I realized that I had to watch this 1969 Western after feeling ignorant when a guest lecturer asked the audience who the guys in this photo were:
    paul newman robert redford
    Paul Newman & Robert Redford
    It's a fantastic film with action, humour, and beautiful cinematography, that I can't believe I hadn't ever thought to watch. I highly recommend it!


  1. Come and join the link up fun:

    1. Prompt is: what I wish I'd known before entering med school. :)

  2. And Fran's blog is cool! Love her style :)
