
Sunday, September 27, 2015

Weekend Review: Pumpkin Pie Iced Capp, Old Spaghetti Factory, & Zoo

med student blog
Happy first week of fall! This week has been a little hectic, between early morning rounding, a research methodology course (with a group project...that we presented in rap form), and a case report that I've been having trouble finding the motivation to write. Residency-wise we're at the end of another block; tomorrow I start medical oncology, which I'm looking forward to! Here are some things that I've appreciated in the past week:

  1. food -- The course I took this week had the best catering! The food was delicious and all the better because I had no expectations (residency has been sadly lacking in free food; first-world problem, I know).
    lister centre catering
    probably the best butter chicken I've ever had
  2. pumpkin pie iced capp -- After work the other day a friend and I caught up at the Tim Horton's across from the hospital, mostly because I'd wanted to try their pumpkin pie iced capp...which sort of just tasted like a regular iced capp (so much so that I'm suspecting that maybe it was?). Not as incredible as this promotional photo had led me to believe:
    tim hortons pumpkin iced capp
  3. Old Spaghetti Factory -- Yet another food highlight of the week: lunch with friends at the Old Spaghetti Factory.
    old spaghetti factory lasagna
  4. post office -- My new passport arrived this week! While waiting in line at the post office I had time to appreciate how well-represented Vancouver Island was on the Canada Post banner. There was Duncan, right between Quebec and Amsterdam.
    canada post office
  5. a.m. workouts -- I realized this week how much I could get done with a little bit of extra time in the mornings. As our course didn't start until 9 am, if I was able to finish rounding by 8 am I could get home to put in 30 or 40 minutes on the elliptical before heading off to the university. Working out early in the day is ideal because I can and will find every excuse to avoid exercising when I get home at 6 pm.
  6. zoo -- Today was free admission day and I visited the Edmonton Valley Zoo. It was a great time and I'll probably post about it separately! My favourite animals were the owls, elephant, meerkats, and capybaras.
    edmonton barred owl
    a beautiful barred owl

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