
Sunday, July 5, 2015

Weekend Review: The Greenhouse, Lamps, and Running Shoes

med school blog
This week has been perfect -- work has been interesting and productive but not overly demanding, there's no call in sight until next month, and I've had ample time to relax, run errands, and catch up with resident friends. Today will be busier, looking at the pile of papers on my desk that I've been putting off reading through, but I secretly enjoy a Sunday spent reading and making notes :) Here are some great things from the past seven days:

  1. BBQs -- I think I've had more BBQ meals in the past two weeks than in the past two years. From a backyard BBQ a family doctor's acreage (featuring moose burgers) to a barn BBQ at Fort Edmonton Park to work BBQs and various BBQ leftovers, BBQ season is off to a good start!
    bbq lunch
    yes, I did start eating the cookie before anything else
  2. The Greenhouse -- This salad bar, hidden in the back of a Good Earth coffee shop by the university, is actually pretty wonderful. They offer a great menu of not just salads, but wraps, rice bowls, soup, and froyo, and have ample seating. I walked over with some resident friends for lunch and tried the You Jerk salad, with jerk chicken, feta cheese, spinach, carrots, mangoes, cranberries, coconut, and coconut lime vinaigrette. It was delicious.
    greenhouse salad edmonton
  3. lamps -- Being by the university, it seems that students are continuously moving in and out of my apartment building, often leaving a pile of their unwanted stuff by the elevator (I'm sure to the building manager's chagrin). I try not to clutter my apartment, but after walking past them twice couldn't resist picking up a pair of little clamp-on lamps that match my floor lamps. I'd been on the lookout for small lamps for when I'm using my laptop in the evenings and don't need all of the main lights on.
    silver clamp lamp
  4. Skype garden tours -- My parents have been keeping me updated on the progress of their backyard garden over Skype, which luckily is just within their wifi range. The best thing is the zucchinis, which are at such a cute baby zucchini stage!
    baby zucchinis
    blue purple hydrangeas
    leg scrape
    and then "Show her your cut -- she's a doctor."
  5. running shoes -- Yesterday I tackled the South Edmonton Common outlet stores (which basically takes the better part of a day even if you're lazy like me and drive between stores instead of walking). Though I didn't buy many clothes I did find a pair of Nikes on clearance for $33 that was actually my size and a nondescript colour (sorry, I really dislike the trend towards brightly coloured running shoes). I've been on the lookout for shoes for awhile now to replace my existing pair -- that remarkably has survived since I bought it for grade 9 PE!
    nike flex experience rn 3
    Nike Women's Flex Experience Rn 3


  1. I've just started the hunt for a good new pair of running shoes! I do like the bright ones, mainly because I like running in all black and feel the need for a pop of color somewhere :)
    Also, noticed the half-eaten cookie in your first photo, read your comment, and promptly fell in love with your blog just a little more. I always love to eat dessert first!

    1. Yes some of the bright running shoes are so pretty! I was playing it safe for easy matching with outfits/scrubs...boring as that is. Haha the other residents were being too healthy (cough, lame) to even eat a cookie that day. My preceptor told me "You're a good eater" which I'm choosing to take as a compliment. Dessert FTW!
