
Sunday, June 14, 2015

Weekend Review: Kashmiri Korma, Bowling, & Gearing Up For Step 2 CK

med school blog
The past week, in the wake of my exam, has been a pretty relaxing one (a little too relaxing considering my next exam is coming up in 2 weeks, hmm). I'm two weeks into my family practice rotation and am at the point where I can navigate to and from the clinic sans GPS, am down to just once a day having to get bailed out of technical tight spots on the EMR, and now only have to look into two drawers instead of seven before finding the tongue depressors. Small triumphs.

This week we've had a couple of pretty awesome storms (well, awesome when experienced from an indoor perspective, rather than sitting in Commonwealth Stadium at the FIFA World Cup) and even a tornado alert (?!) that didn't materialize into anything. I'll take gray weather over heat -- feels like home :)

Here are some things that I've appreciated in the past seven days:
  1. Resident Wellness Day -- Probably the best "work" day I've had all year :)
  2. Astro coconut yogurt -- $2 on sale and so creamy, it's all I'll be buying from now on!
    astro coconut yogurt
  3. cookies -- This batch of peanut butter chocolate chip oatmeal cookies has been disappearing quickly. I tried my first Cookie By George at work this week and I'm going to venture that this recipe could rival even George's best efforts.
    peanut butter chocolate chip oatmeal cookies
  4. curry -- I picked up an assortment of curry mixes at the local Indian grocery store and got around to trying the kashmiri korma mix this week in a simple chicken and bell pepper curry. That I'm still enjoying it after nine meals attests to its deliciousness. I can't wait to try another!
    raj masala curry
    raj masala kashmiri curry
  5. exercise -- This week I've actually been getting on the elliptical more consistently (I'd been slacking over the past few months...). It's definitely helped that instead of saying "I'll do 40 minutes" like I used to, I just try to get on when I can and do as much as I feel up to -- even 17 minutes is better than no minutes!
    planner check boxes
  6. bowling, sushi, & board games -- Yesterday I had a really great evening out with some resident friends. We went bowling, which was tons of fun despite my ineptitude (I think I've only ever been once, when I was ten!). We had a nice dinner at Yokozuna, a popular Japanese restaurant, where were lingered chatting until just about the whole restaurant had cleared out. We moved on to Dream Tea House, which was still bustling, for bubble tea, green onion pancakes, and games of Jenga and Cards Against Humanity, until they closed at midnight. Such a fun and relaxing evening!
    gateway entertainment edmonton bowling
    yokozuna edmonton
    sunomomo (that's me being adventurous and trying octopus) and a dynamite roll
    dream tea edmonton
    I'd only had bubble tea once before -- why, I don't know -- it's delicious!
  7. Library books -- After work on Friday I stopped by the university library to pick up a couple of USMLE Step 2 CK question books (yay for free practice questions -- now I feel more at ease about cheaping out on renewing my QBank subscription). I've tidied my apartment, made my study schedule, and actually feel motivated to get down to work :)
    usmle step 2 ck qbook

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