
Sunday, June 7, 2015

Weekend Review: Car Wash, Tahini Rice, & Sharpie Paint Pen Mugs

med school blog
Though the week started off a little gray and rainy, this weekend has been warm and summery enough to necessitate getting my fan out. I'm really appreciating how remarkably long the days seem, with the sun rising at 5 am and setting at 10 pm -- but with the sky still remaining blue until close to 11 pm (one advantage of this latitude!). I've been having a wonderfully lazy weekend of TV watching, reading, and cooking, to cap off a busy week. Here are some things that have been great in the past seven days:

  1. car wash -- This is hands down the best thing that's happened this week. In a winter city it's pretty much futile to attempt to maintain a clean car pre-April, which I didn't mind because it was an excuse to not wash mine. Apparently in my absence last month, summer arrived and everyone washed their vehicles, leaving mine sticking out this week as the dirtiest one on the road (and I'm not exaggerating -- at one point I had to roll down my window in order to properly see the street onto which I was turning). Unfortunately apartment living left me with no choice but to hit up a touchless car wash for the first time, but fortunately it did a much better job than I'd expected on a year (!) of car grime. Best $8 I spent this week :)
    esso car wash
  2. rice + tahini -- Getting home late and not feeling like cooking the other night led to my discovering this delicious combination!
    rice tahini
  3. multitasking -- I have a bad habit of eating half most of my meals away from the table, so when I discovered this week how to stabilize a hot bowl of soup by placing it in another slightly larger bowl I was understandably (or maybe pathetically is the better adjective) excited.
    soup bed
  4. eyelash curler -- I was disappointed when the welding on an eyelash curler that I'd recently bought came apart, so I filled out the comment form on Revlon's website and was pleasantly surprised to receive a coupon for a free replacement in the mail. Awesome!
    revlon eyelash curler
  5. decorating mugs -- My sister and I had a lot of fun making Sharpie paint pen mugs last weekend, which we finished off by baking yesterday (well, she baked them as I observed over Skype!). They were super easy and will make cute little gifts :)
    sharpie paint pen mugs
  6. snacks -- Chips and candy post exam, yay!
    walmart jujubes


  1. I'd never have thought to combine rice + tahini, but that sounds amazing! <3!

    If it makes you feel better, I don't eat at a table either (I don't actually have a table in my apartment :x ). That's a genius idea with that larger bowl! :P Understandably is the better word to choose there! <3

    Those mugs are adorable! I really want to make my own now! (Will have to wait til I'm done moving all over the globe though!)

    1. Haha glad I'm not the only one :) Ah I never anticipated how much time I'd spend renting random spare rooms/living out of a suitcase in med school -- it'll be so great when you're all settled down for residency (not too long from now!).
