
Monday, June 22, 2015

3 Things That Are Making Studying More Bearable

I'm sorry that studying is all I post about these days! It's basically become my life when I'm not in clinic, which doesn't leave me with much other subject matter to work with... Fortunately just six more days before I get to think/write about better things!

This past weekend, these three things significantly improved my studying:

First, I moved my desk (which I love by the way -- if you need a table/desk, it's this $26 one from Ikea) into my living room and, by a stroke of genius, placed it over the end of the chaise lounge of my couch. Now I can put my feet up on the chaise while studying and, when I get tired of sitting on a chair, can rotate my books by 180 degrees and move over to sit on the chaise (though this is slightly dangerous and has already led to one unintentional couch nap).
couch desk studying

Second, when I got to the point where I was totally bored with doing questions, I put on a Harry Potter audiobook for some background entertainment and motored on. I don't generally study with music and never listen to audiobooks, but somehow yesterday I figured that Harry Potter was what I needed, and it did the trick. I've read Harry Potter so many times that I can have it on in the background without really listening to the words; it's familiar and makes me happy. Most important, it made me study for a good three hours past the point where I would've thrown the towel in.
studying audiobook

Third, I'm finally finished the NMS Q&A book, thank goodness. While I'm all for authors of these Q&A books taking creative license, it stopped being cute pretty early on with NMS. I wish they'd just cut to the chase already; if I wanted to read fiction I'd pick up a novel (or listen to Harry Potter!). But maybe I'm just grumpy from studying -- judge for yourself:
nms usmle step 2 ck
nms usmle step 2 ck

All right, back to the books!


  1. Those questions are insane! I was getting annoying of the twists and turns in the stories just after have to be super patient to get through the whole book. I mean, they could easily explore the same concept with 10 less lines... Is that the normal length of USMLE questions?

    1. I know, right?! Haha. Some of the USMLE questions are that long, but generally contain more pertinent content and less drama! And my Kaplan and First Aid question books are more succinct :)
