
Sunday, May 3, 2015

Weekend Review: Edmonton Goosecam, Broccoli Bugs, & Bikano Snacks

med school blog
The past week has been so wonderful -- particularly the past two days (my first two of vacation block!). This really is the perfect time of year to be back in Victoria, with blue skies, long, sunny, 15-degree days, and rhododendrons, azaleas, and lilacs in full bloom all over the place. Between walks, hikes, and outdoor meals, I've been taking full advantage of the beautiful weather. Here are some other things that have been great this past week:

  1. Edmonton Goosecam -- Last weekend I discovered the Edmonton Journal Goosecam, a webcam monitoring a nesting Canada goose on a straw bale on a farm just west of Edmonton. The goose, Patience, had returned for her seventh year of nesting on the farm. It was oddly captivating (or maybe just a new form of procrastination) to watch the goose as she sat there, looking around, occasionally preening her feathers, and often dozing off. Then on Wednesday my absent-minded click on my Goosecam bookmark yielded a sight I wasn't prepared for: the nest was empty :( No goose, no eggs. It looks like she's left her nest, presumably because her eggs were not viable. How sad. I'll miss my goose study buddy.
    edmonton goose cam
  2. PB chocolate chip sandwiches -- On a more positive note, a peanut butter and chocolate chip sandwich, grilled in the George Foreman until the chocolate melted, was the best snack I had last week.
    peanut butter chocolate chip sandwich
  3. white coats -- It only took me ten months, but I've picked up my issued white coats from the hospital linen room, which despite being big and shapeless are actually nicer than the white coat I've been wearing for most of the year. I have a love-hate relationship with white coats...the love being driven primarily by pockets!!
    medical school white coat
    in need of some ironing...
  4. bike cage -- The hospital I spend most of my time at finally has a bike cage! Apparently that's given way to blatant bicycle discrimination inside:
    no bike sign
  5. broccoli hazards -- Bugs in my broccoli aren't usually a positive thing -- but in this case the good thing was spotting this cocoon in my lunch tupperware before eating it, yuck (followed by two other bugs).
    broccoli cocoon
    extra protein
  6. full moon -- Tonight's full moon was beautiful (The photo doesn't do it justice. At all.) -- and it's so nice to look out the window and see open sky...instead of another apartment building.
    full moon victoria bc
    It was so much larger than this! #cellphonephotoproblems
  7. Bikano snacks -- My parents bought an assortment of interesting Indian snacks from Walmart to try out. This Bikano Navratan Mixture one is my favourite -- and only $0.88 for a 150-gram packet. It's so flavourful and spicy -- you only need a handful to leave your mouth burning (which is a pretty good built-in mechanism for portion control!).
    bikano navratan
What was great in your week?

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love looking at the moon. It's so cool. Bugs in food is always a bad thing. I hope you threw that out! And that sandwich looks crazy good.

    I had to do a double take when you said you were enjoying 15 degree temperatures. Then I figured out you meant Celsius :)
