
Friday, April 10, 2015

Weekend Review: Food Processor, NHL Game, & Community

For a number of reasons, this past week has been a really great one -- the top two being that 1) I've finished general surgery (6 am starts) and have moved on to pathology (9 am starts!) and 2) the warm weather has finally arrived! Here are some other things I've enjoyed in the past week:

edmonton april weather
  1. walking to work -- After being at more distant hospitals for my past three rotations, it's so nice to be able to walk to work again. The weather right now couldn't be better for walking! Plus, starting at 9 am means that my commutes are no longer in the dark :)
  2. lunch at home -- It was such a joy to find time to walk home for lunch yesterday. Grilled cheese on the couch beats cheese sandwiches at my desk in the windowless residents' office.
    foreman grilled cheese
  3. open windows -- This doesn't sound like a big deal, but opening my windows for the first time this year and having the breeze diffuse the (perhaps psychological) winter stuffiness of my apartment was really wonderful! The only downsides to open windows: motorcycle revving (I'm glad the weather keeps them off the road for half of the year) and so much dust!
    open window
  4. food processor -- I'd been going back and forth on getting a food processor for a while now and finally caved when Canadian Tire had them on sale this week. My concern was not so much the $30 it cost, but that I might not get much use out of it. I'm looking forward to making lots of hummus (and other good stuff!) to make it worthwhile :)
    black & decker food processor 8 cup
  5. hockey -- I happily got to go to another NHL game this week, one of the last in the regular season. Despite the Oilers not making the playoffs, the Edmonton fans were enthusiastic during their 4 - 2 win over the Kings. I think the Oilers may be winning me over... Regardless of which teams are playing, the game environment is so fun and energetic!
    oilers kings
  6. Community -- Although I find that Community can be hit or miss, I've got to say that this week's episode was possibly the best one yet! An iPad on a stick trying to push Jeff down the stairs, Abed's dinosaur shirt making a reappearance, Dean (Jim Rash, unceasingly hilarious), and the Abeds at the end (eradicate, eradicate) -- definitely a fun episode!
What's something you enjoyed this week?

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