
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Little Things That Make My Life Easier

Every now and then I find something that makes my life a little easier. I'm not talking Pinterest-worthy hacks here, just things that have made me wonder why I haven't been doing them all along.
  1. baskets -- I bought an assortment of baskets from the dollar store to organize my cupboards and drawers.
  2. whiteboard -- I found a little whiteboard at Walmart (and actually got it for free thanks to the scanning code of practice) for my fridge door. It's wonderful to help me remember important deadlines and needed grocery items.
  3. pliers -- Every little while I have the fun task of removing hair from the bathtub drain. Using needle-nosed pliers to pull it out makes the job quick and easy.
  4. bread bags -- After killing what seemed like the seventeenth fruit fly of the day, I decided that I could no longer dispose of banana peels in my kitchen garbage can (karma for not composting them, I know, but my apartment building is still working on getting a recycling bin, so I'm thinking a compost bin is not going to show up anytime soon). I've been saving old bread bags and produce bags to put my banana peels in, twist them up, and keep them in the fridge until I take them out with the garbage at the end of the week.
  5. steel scrub -- If I'd known that a $0.33 dollar store steel scrub would've saved me many a frustrating dish-washing session of trying to scrape cooked-on food off the bottom of pots and baking-ware, I'd have bought one years ago. These things are magical!
  6. bag clips -- I said goodbye to my cracked chip clips and tattered twist ties after finding these plastic bag clips a couple of months ago. They produce an air-tight seal, are so easy to take on and off, and are cheap (10 for $1 at Ikea or the dollar store). I use them for everything -- even in the freezer for bags of vegetables and berries!

What simple things around your house make life easier?

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