
Monday, April 27, 2015

2-Minute Journal

Happy Monday! I was going to write a post on USMLE Step 1 prep this morning, but ended up staying up past 3 am and, needless to say, feel a little less than inspired right now. I'm sure no one is dying to hear my Step 1 gripes I'll save those for another day. Instead I'll take two minutes to reflect with a 2-Minute Journal (as I wrote about back in January, this is my take on the 5-Minute Journal). I'll admit, the 2-Minute Journal seemed to be a good idea when I first wrote about it, but hasn't gotten much any use since...but there's no time like the present, especially at the beginning of a new week! Here goes:

Having a light morning where I can get in some studying (since the pathology residents are all off writing an exam!).

Sitting at my desk, with the morning sun streaming in, and eating soup for breakfast :)

I wrote (what I thought was) a thoughtful email to one of my undergrad friends. I sort of hate that communication these days consists mostly of sentence fragments via texts and social media. Email is the next best thing to a hand-written letter and I'm trying to make more of an effort to keep in email contact with friends and family, especially living away from most of them!

I could have woken up when my alarm went off...instead of at 7:30 am.

I'm going to get on the elliptical (for the first time in months (!)). There, I wrote it. Now there's no getting out of doing it.

Well that wasn't so bad...almost kind of fun! I'll try to 2-minute journal more often. Feel free to join me :)

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