
Friday, January 23, 2015

Weekend Review: Tuna Sushi, The Grand Budapest Hotel, & Yes Please

This weekend marks the halfway point of my internal medicine rotation -- and it's the last of three consecutive weekends that I'm doing call! The week has passed in a bit of a blur and has contained a few too many ramen or oatmeal dinners. Despite 80% of our patients being on contact precautions (meaning we suit up in yellow gowns, masks, and gloves -- basically full Big Bird getup -- before entering their rooms) I've also managed to get sick. I'm hoping that plenty of water and lots of sleep tonight will put me in better form for my call shift tomorrow... Overall though, I'd say this week has gone well -- here are some things I've enjoyed:

  1. sushi -- Craving sushi earlier this week, I used what I had on hand to make tuna, mayonnaise, green pepper rolls. I made another to pack along for dinner on call.
    sushi tuna mayonnaise
  2. The Grand Budapest Hotel -- Being tired, sick, and lazy this week, I've been spending a lot of time in bed watching TV. I also enjoyed Wes Anderson's The Grand Budapest Hotel and thought that with its beautifully detailed sets, creative camera angles, and quick-moving, unique, and entertaining plot, it deserved the Golden Globe for best motion picture -- musical or comedy.
    grand budapest hotel
  3. Yes Please by Amy Poehler -- The time I didn't spend watching TV I spent reading, and subsequently finished Amy Poehler's Yes Please. I enjoyed it more than Lea Michele's and Lena Dunham's books, which I thought were respectively more superficial and narcissistic than Amy Poehler's. Next up I think will be Mindy Kaling's (yes, I lack the capacity to read anything more substantial than celebrity autobiographies these days).
    yes please amy poehler
  4. day planner -- Inspired by Paper Love Story's scrapbook-like day planner, I've be trying to put more of an effort into using my planner (confession: despite writing a post in September about my new student agenda, using it has since fallen by the wayside a little). As my previous planner ended with the university term, I switched to using a different free planner (that my sister picked up from UVic). I've been using more colours in it, but alas the pages still remain fairly empty.
    uvic uvss student agenda
    uvic uvss planner
  5. dried figs -- While getting groceries I noticed that dried figs were on sale ($0.48 for 200 g!) and picked up a package. This is the second time that I've had dried figs and think it's pretty incredible to be eating fruit that's been grown in Turkey, dried, and shipped halfway around the world, at an affordable price.
    turkish dried figs superstore
What is something that you enjoyed this week?

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