
Friday, December 19, 2014

Weekend Review: Eggnog and Other Christmasy Stuff

It's only been an averagely busy week, but I haven't posted much (mostly because I've been occupied by watching season five of Downton Abbey, whilst eating far too many Christmas cookies). With Christmas music, treats, and parties at work, it's really starting to feel like the holidays -- and after today I only have three more work days before my actual holidays! Here are some things I've enjoyed in the past week:

  1. eggnog -- The first thing I did on Saturday was drive to Safeway to pick up egg nog (I think their Lucerne brand dairy products, egg nog included, are really excellent), which I proceeded to put in my coffee and oatmeal when I got home. Creamy nutmegy eggnog is one of my favourite things ever.
  2. Christmas baking -- There has been such an abundance of Christmas baking at work. In addition, the palliative care team got together to host an amazing potluck lunch this week (in which they kindly included me, despite my not knowing about it and not bringing anything!)
  3. staff Christmas party -- Last night was our staff Christmas party at the university faculty club, a nicely decorated building with a view across the river valley of Edmonton's downtown. It was fun to chat with the other residents and staff over a nice meal.
  4. mild weather -- For a while now the weather's been relatively mild, around -5 degrees Celsius on average. Though I continue to do a lot of slipping and sliding on my walks to work, the roads have been nice and spite of forecasts like this:
  5. sleeping in -- Because I don't have to be at the hospital until 9 am (!!) on this rotation, I've been sleeping in until 6:30 am and enjoying nice leisurely mornings.
  6. West Edmonton Mall -- An impromptu trip to West Edmonton Mall on Wednesday night was a good way to enjoy the festive mall decor and get some efficient shopping done, while avoiding the pre-holiday crowds.
  7. residents' Christmas video -- We played the Christmas video we'd made (a parody on A Christmas Carol) at our staff Christmas lunch yesterday, and it was fortunately well received (and also was a lot of fun to make!).
What have you enjoyed this week?

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