
Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Famoso Pizza & Chistmas Eve Travels

Happy Christmas Eve! Today was unexpectedly busy with an emergency consult that ended up taking the entire day (it was really very interesting, which made up for staying until 6 pm). Our staff physician ordered in Famoso pizza for lunch (she's so kind!). It turned out to be the most delicious pizza I've ever had, with a chewy, soft authentic Italian crust that I'm still thinking about (seven pieces later!).
famosa margherita  prosciutto arugula pizza
Famosa's margherita & prosciutto arugula pizzas
We shared margherita, prosciutto arugula, and primavera pizzas, and I ended up taking four pieces home for a (very filling) dinner. The prosciutto arugula and primavera pizzas were "white" ones, meaning that in place of tomato sauce a garlic basil olive oil sauce is used -- something I'd never tried before, but found that it allowed the more delicate tasting toppings to be better appreciated, rather than being overwhelmed by tomatoey-ness.

After my pizza dinner I had a few hours to pack and clean my apartment (including taking down the Christmas decorations as it'll be the new year by the time I return!), before heading off to the airport. I walked through the first flurries of what looks to be a white Christmas to the LRT station, and rode a fairly empty train south to Century Park station.
edmonton lrt university station
the LRT -- such an efficient way to bypass all the traffic!
ets 10 pack
frugal tip: by the 10 pack tickets for $24, rather than $3.20 apiece :)
I arrived in perfect time to board the #747 airport bus, which I was impressed was not only decorated cutely with Christmas lights, but was offering mandarin oranges and chocolates to passengers -- how thoughtful!
edmonton bus 747 airport
bus #747 with Christmas lights and -- see that box on the right? -- mandarin oranges and chocolates!
edmonton international airport
airport snacking
I'm now at the airport, appreciating the Christmas decorations and carols over the PA system while awaiting my flight to Victoria. Merry Christmas to everyone! Even if you're still working (as I'll probably be next year...), I hope you're getting to enjoy some Christmas treats, decor, and cheer!
edmonton international airport Christmas
one of many impressive Christmas trees at the Edmonton International Airport

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