
Friday, November 7, 2014

Weekend Review: Moonlit Walks, Rings, & A Med Student Buddy

With lows of -19 degrees Celsius next week, I think this week's been our last one of milder weather. In fact, given all that I'd heard about Edmonton's winters, I'm surprised (and thankful) that we made it a whole quarter of the way through November with the ground remaining bare. It's forecasted to snow this weekend, but hopefully today's beautiful blue skies and sunshine will return to make the cold a little more bearable. Here are some things I've appreciated in the past seven days:

  1. daylight savings time -- Thanks to the extra hour of sleep on Saturday night I woke up early feeling remarkably well rested on Sunday.
  2. rings -- If you ever catch me wearing jewelry it'll be something very simple. I was happy to find a set of rings that I quite liked at the mall last weekend.
    the band at front is my favourite
  3. moonlit walks -- The time change has me walking to and from work in the dark, though the clear starry skies and yesterday's full moon have brightened things up. I caught a nice moon set on the walk to work and a moon rise on the walk home.
    moon set behind the hospital
  4. candy bars -- Halloween may be behind us, but there's been no end to the treats at the hospital!
    thanks to the sweet person who bought these for the residents :)
  5. medical student - resident matching program -- The medical school here has been running a program for the past six years in which first-year medical students are matched with first-year residents for monthly clinical shadowing. Somehow I missed signing up for this in September, but when I heard that they were still short of residents I signed up and was matched with a med student right away. I'm not sure how helpful I'll be able to be, but I think the program is a fantastic idea!

What have you enjoyed in your week?

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