
Friday, November 28, 2014

Weekend Review: Icicles, The Theory of Everything, and Samosa Day

In the past two days Edmonton has accumulated around 35 cm of snow. Unfortunately it's been falling faster than the city has been able to clear it, so the roads have been a bit of a mess. As I waded my way down the sidewalk this morning, past long lines of traffic, I was glad I was commuting by foot. The temperature was a brisk -24 degrees Celsius today (-35 with windchill!). Though I'm not a fan of the cold, here are some positive things about the past week:

  1. icicles -- I saw some pretty impressive icicles on my walk home from work today (not to mention a snow drift that covers most of the first floor windows).
    icicles edmonton
  2. Christmas tree -- This two-storey-tall lighted white Christmas tree really ties the hospital atrium together.
    university of alberta hospital christmas
  3. speculoos cookie butter -- I was so happy to find this incredibly delicious speculoos cookie butter on sale last weekend...and proceeded to finish the whole jar in five days, whoops.
    penotti speculoos cookie butter
  4. The Theory of Everything -- When I stumbled across this movie last Friday I was compelled to watch it right away. It is a beautiful two-hour portrayal of Stephen Hawking's life, particularly his complicated relationship with his wife, Jane. The actors are fantastic (Eddie Redmayne embodies Stephen Hawking remarkably, down to his every mannerism) and their unvoiced emotions had me in tears.
    theory of everything
  5. Samosa Day -- Apparently once a year a generous radiation oncologist orders 500 samosas for all of the staff in the cancer centre. Clearly I lucked out with the timing of my rotation. Samosas were the talk of the centre yesterday!
    samosa day
  6. transcription errors -- At the hospital we dictate all of our reports for transcription. Sometimes things get a little garbled, like this line that made me laugh today: "Though he has severe COPD, he regularly cuts very large fawn on his acreage."
What is something you enjoyed this past week?

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