
Friday, October 24, 2014

Weekend Review: Hospital Tunnels, Halloween Decor, and Google Tricks

Residency has a way of upheaving routines, just when you're starting to feel marginally competent. On Monday morning I finished call for General Internal Medicine at one hospital and twenty hours later was standing in a different hospital, trying to find the ENT ward. Back to being the newbie!

The past three days haven't been perfect -- from going twelve hours without eating, to working from 6 am to 7:30 pm (and still being the first resident to leave), to sleeping through my alarm and entirely missing morning rounds, I haven't done the greatest job of adjusting to this routine -- but next week will be better! Here are some things I enjoyed this past week:

  1. Halloween decor on the wards -- Some of the wards have put up great decorations, which makes walking around to round and consult a little more fun!
    this ward wins for best decor
    someone had a lot of patience (and perhaps few patients)
  2. hospital tunnels -- A tunnel network connects buildings at the subbasement level of the hospital. I'll take creepiness over -40 degree temperatures!
  3. starry walks to work -- One benefit of walking to work at 6 am is the clear starry skies we've had all week. I haven't seen much of the stars since I moved to the city!
  4. Google tricks -- Try typing "google gravity" and clicking "I'm feeling lucky". Or Google "tilt" or "do a barrel roll". Google also knows "the answer to life the universe and everything".
    type "google gravity" and click "I'm feeling lucky"
    Google the word "tilt"
    Google and Douglas Adams concur
  5. a sunny morning -- Edmonton is one of the sunniest cities in Canada and it's so nice to come home from call to find the morning sunlight filtering into my apartment. I also caught a great sunrise from the top floor of the hospital -- a nice way to end my last call shift.
    a cheery morning
    sunrise; Commonwealth Stadium silhouetted on the right
  6. university buildings -- I've lived here for four months but only wandered into the building across the road for the first time this week. I love its architecture and think it would be a great place to study. I hope to check out more of the interesting and classical old ivy-covered buildings on campus.
    exploring the campus
  7. hospital chapel -- I've hurried past this door a hundred times and was curious enough to walk in for the first time this week. Who knew that the hospital had such a nice little chapel, complete with lovely stained glass windows.
    a break from the bustle -- the hospital's room of requirement

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