
Friday, October 3, 2014

Weekend Review: Food, Sunrises, and a Library Card

This week brought us into October. The mornings are crisper (-4 degrees today) and the foliage is thinning out. I'm at the halfway point of my first of two month-long general internal medicine rotations. So far I'm enjoying it! Here are some other things that I've enjoyed in the past week:

  1. so much food! -- I've had lots of great meals with great company this week, starting with a birthday potluck (and awesome games of Catchphrase!), then a mid-week lunch treat from our preceptor at The Italian Place, and today a lunch for my birthday at Leva. ...Not to mention the muffin, timbits, cheesecake, and cookies I've had at work!
    Academic Half Day is better with cookies
    ...and birthday cheesecake :)
  2. sunrises -- I caught a couple of stunning sunrises on my drives to work this week. The photos don't do them justice; a fiery pink-orange crack on the horizon transformed the clouds and contrails into cotton candy.
    driving to work
    from the hospital window
  3. library card -- I signed up for an Edmonton Public Library card last weekend. I got to pick from a handful of fun designs and colours!
  4. helpful mama hippo -- I ran across this picture which I thought was cute. I especially like their facial expressions :)
  5. "Detritus" by Brienne Miller & Alicia Proudfoot -- A unique sculpture outside the Rutherford Library. It's surprisingly expressive for a bunch of old books and twine. Running across unexpected art is always interesting.

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