
Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween: XKCD Style

Here's my first attempt at an XKCD-style comic.
xkcd halloween comic flatland
If you haven't read Edwin A. Abbott's 1884 Flatland, this comic will make zero sense. I'll summarize briefly what I'm getting at! Flatland is a two-dimensional world where males are polygons and females are lines. When a female line is approaching end-on, she appears as a point and is thereby very difficult to see. This is dangerous as females can easily impale and kill males with their sharp ends. ...So in the world of Flatland a female can be terrifyingly lethal (which is why a line is a scary Halloween costume) -- but only if the female has pointy ends (i.e. a line that is bounded, as versus an infinitely long line which has no ends and is therefore not able to impale anyone!).
Happy Halloween!

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