
Friday, September 19, 2014

Weekend Review: Splenunculi & Peanut Butter Chocolate Ice Cream

This week flew by! It was my final one on radiology, so I savoured the relative calm before the storm that arrives on Monday (in the form of general internal medicine). Here are some things I've appreciated this week:

  1. incidental findings on CT -- CTs provide a glimpse into the human body -- into areas where pretty much no one will ever see. You never know what you might find when you scan someone, and it's oddly delightful to see normal variation and other benign things. On the left those white rings are gallstones and on the right that little circle is a splenunculus (an extra baby spleen -- around 10% of us have one (or more)!) I can't help but wonder about what's lurking unbeknownst within me...

  2. sunrises -- With the days being a little shorter now, my walks to work have coincided with some beautifully intense pink and orange sunrises.
  3. ice cream -- It occurred to me to stir a spoonful of peanut butter into my chocolate swirl vanilla ice cream this week...aaand there's no looking back.
  4. good mornings -- Outside the LRT train station, there's a newspaper distributer whom I pass on my walks to work. Every single day I receive a friendly smile and "good morning", without any pressure to take a paper.
  5. shortcut -- Speaking of my walk to work, I found a shortcut through the hospital yesterday. It takes me ten or twelve minutes to walk through the hospital buildings to the one I need to be in, so I'll take any shortcuts I can find when I'm (inevitably) running late!
    only the best shortcuts include escalators
  6. cream puff -- Someone was kind enough to give me a chocolate-dipped cream puff at work yesterday. Made my afternoon!
  7. fall -- While waiting at a crosswalk yesterday I was surprised to see a yellow-leafed tree across the street. Looking around I then realized that most of the foliage was in a similar state of green-to-yellow transition, and I was acutely aware of the fallen leaves littering the sidewalks the rest of the way home. It looks like fall arrived overnight (well, either that or I need to work on my observational skills).

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