
Thursday, September 4, 2014

My Favourite Work/School Snacks

Whenever I leave the house for more than a couple of hours, I make sure to pack along a snack. Last weekend I enjoyed an apple and almonds at West Edmonton Mall. At work today I snacked on graham crackers and grapes. Although I always carry a granola bar in my bag, I try to eat my packed snacks before cracking it open -- not only are my own snacks cheaper, they are often healthier. Here are my five favourite snacks to bring to school or work:
work school snacks

  1. graham crackers -- They're not just for s'mores! I keep a box in the cupboard to pack along for snacks and to eat at home when I want something sweet. They make a great healthier cookie alternative. I didn't buy graham crackers before this year as they tend to be a bit pricier than other cookies and crackers; when I saw that my local grocery store sells a 400 g No Name box for $1.99 I was thrilled.
  2. pretzels -- Pretzels are an easy on-the-go snack since they hold up decently in my bag, keep for months, and are pretty satisfying. They're also cheap ($1 for a 340 g bag at the dollar store). Unfortunately they don't offer much nutrition-wise and can be pretty salty. And they've become slightly dangerous to have around now that I've realized how good they are dipped in peanut butter!
  3. almonds -- Almonds really are the ideal snack -- protein- and fibre-rich and calorie-dense for when I only have a couple of minutes to scarf down some food. I always keep them on hand in my bag. Unfortunately almonds aren't the cheapest nut around; I stock up when they are on sale for $0.99/100 g or less.
  4. grapes -- Grapes are one of my favourite fruits. I buy them on the rare occasion that they are $1.35/lb or less, so they tend to be a treat for me. Sometimes I freeze them for a few hours before eating them (try it!).
  5. apples -- Apples are nutritious, filling, and easily transportable snacks. I quarter and core them and pack them along in a Ziplock bag so that I can eat a piece now and then when I'm hungry throughout the day (it doesn't bother me that they turn a bit brown). Because I hesitate to spend even $0.99/lb on apples (even Walmart charges upwards of $1.49/lb these days) I don't have them on hand all the time. I'm happy now to be packing an apple for work everyday, as Save On had them on sale this week for $0.60/lb (unheard of! I bought 48 apples which I'm keeping in the fridge).

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