
Friday, August 29, 2014

Weekend Review: Walking To Work Beneath Elm Trees

This week I started a new rotation, which I'll be on for the next four weeks. It's a specialty that I never rotated through as a medical student, so everything is new and interesting. A bonus  is how close this hospital is to my house -- I've cancelled my parking pass and am enjoying the fifteen-minute walk. Here are some other things that I've liked this past week:

  1. elm-lined streets -- I think the streets in my neighbourhood are so beautiful, covered by a green canopy of elm leaves. It's such a joy to walk to work.
    alberta edmonton elm tree street
    elm trees
  2. back door to the hospital -- I finally figured out where the loading dock back door of the hospital is, which saves me a few steps in the morning when I'm running late!
    the closer entrance
  3. evening sunshine -- I have a east-facing apartment, so I get morning sun, but oddly enough also find sunshine streaming into my windows in the evening. Why? It reflects off the glass on the building across the street!
    evening sun
  4. no hex wrech, no worries -- I got my Alberta license plate this week, but didn't have a hex wrench to switch the plates. I was so glad that my needle-nose pliers did the trick and saved me a shopping trip.
    goodbye, BC plates
  5. free toothbrush -- I got this free toothbrush with a coupon from Shoppers. Doesn't hurt to have a spare.
    free toothbrush
  6. Ikea out-of-stock no more -- I have been checking the Ikea website for two months now for the dresser that I like to be back in stock. This week it finally is! It'll be a relief to get the rest of my clothes out of boxes.
    beauty to my eyes
  7. holidays -- My vacation request was approved, so I'll be heading home for the winter holidays!

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